Welcome to the fiesta
About 15+ years late to the game, dyslexic, and anxious, I’m ready to start writing a blog.
What is this blog about? To be honest, I’m not entirely sure…
It could be a place where I share in more detail the thought process and struggles of some of my work, the people who inspired me and why, or the way I get into a creative blank and can’t produce anything at all.
To be clear, this won’t be a place to look for answers or “Top 10 ways for you to unlock your creative goddess and be a rich bitch boss babe in 10 days.” Even tho I am a bitch boss babe, I could not tell you how I got here. I know that my intolerance of the word no and -sorry, but this is true- entitlement as a white-passing Mexican has encouraged a weird kind of confidence that I’m able to do almost anything.
Luckily for me (and the world around me) I’m not using that privilege to be an influencer -nothing wrong with those who are, capitalism has pushed us deep into the meme hole with this one- but instead to find ways to communicate with others through images and animations.
“Look at that saint over there; she thinks she is saving the world by putting out some doodles and shit…” -My inner critic
Well, no… but I’m also trying my best to contribute in the most positive way that I know how. I am lucky enough to be working for a company with a strong social mission towards a community that is severely under-represented.
While I’m writing this, I can feel the judgment meter going up, not from you, my smart, handsome, amazing reader; it’s the self-judgment of that inner critic that can be so hard for no reason… I got this far, not thanks to you, inner critic.
So when I write in this space, I’ll try my best to duct-tape the mouth of that critic and write freely.
With all that being said, I want to welcome you to this… fiesta of crazy that can be my brain at times. I’m ready to overshare and under-think like I should have 15+ years ago.