The New Menstrual Revolution
Written by Sara Cuesta Torrado / Illustrated by María Gómez.
The illustrations that you are about to see are a journey of my experience when reading the article.
Taking the experiences of women who share with us a little of their journey and their experiences regarding menstruation. From the myths and taboos to how they have found community among themselves. A community of menstruating people who support each other, learn together, and tell each other: you are not crazy, you are not exaggerating, the anger you feel is valid and together we are going to talk everywhere until my blood is no longer a reason for grief, ecological waste, medical enigma or economic sacrifice.
I identify with them and try to portray our journey together toward this future that needs to come now or now.
Visually I want my visual language to permeate each of the illustrations, full of fun and fantasy. With the colors and the use of digital crayons, I want to transport the reader to when they were children and use this medium to communicate everything. But never losing the main theme which is the revolution. Two illustrations include scenes of community and two of them are intimate portraits of the individual struggle that many of us go through.
I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I end up enjoying it in the end.
[This project is part of my master’s degree in illustration for LABASAD, and the mockups you see are not printed but as a medium to show the work on a real environment]

Creative process