Melancholy hill

Alexa, play Melancholy Hill by Gorillaz, thank you very much.

Any time I’ve listened to this song, I’ve imagined myself with a massive dog (I’m a toy-poodle enthusiast, so anything bigger than a cat is massive to me) next to me. Just taking in the vibes from a different world, a different time, a different universe. However, it always looked different to me, sometimes, it would be more of a sketch of it, sometimes, it would be a futuristic portrait, and sometimes, it would be a crayon drawing.

So, for me, it was a natural choice when I had to choose a subject or think of something I wanted to explore color theory during my time at the Design Breakthrough classes with Ben Marriot.

The prompt was to explore the same illustration in two distinct color palettes and styles. I choose retro-vintage and futuristic.


Some other colors

Even though I’ve chosen the two images above, I would love to show some behind the scenes on other color combos I liked.

-Note that the futuristic one only has a very simple extra version cause I fell in love with the first palette I worked with.

